Intended Learning Outcomes (TI)

Graduates are qualified to understand basic knowledge in the field of computer science, management, and development of Information Technology in an organization competently

Graduates are able to design and implement integrated information technology solutions needed to implement an integrated system effectively in an organization

Graduates are able to analyze, operate and manage Information Technology and Information security in an organization appropriately

Graduates are able to design and implement a service-based system  with a monolithic or microservice architecture approach effectively in an organization

Graduates are able to utilize Information Technology to manage and analyze beneficial data to support business decisions

Graduates can develop professional careers in computer science based on quality aspects, data-driven decision making, be responsible, and make continuous improvements

Graduates can apply computational and design thinking, conduct scientific analysis and writing and apply the values of Technopreneurship in creating product innovations in the Systems or Information Technology domain

Graduates are expected to apply ethical principles based on Pancasila values in decision making to support community and wider society

Graduates can think scientifically, work collaboratively, hold professional values, and are able to adapt in various working environments