Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Brawijaya berkomitmen untuk mendukung pencapaian Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) melalui berbagai aktivitas dan Event. Berikut disampaikan beberapa aktivitas dan Pencapaian FILKOM UB terkait dengan berbagai sektor SDG (klik untuk melihat berita terkait pada masing-masing SDG)
SDG04 Quality education: 157 Activities SDG17 Partnerships for the goals: 84 Activities SDG09 Industry-innovation and infrastructure: 47 Activities SDG08 Decent work and economic growth: 14 Activities SDG03 Good health and well-being: 10 Activities SDG11 Sustainable cities and communities: 7 Activities SDG02 Zero hunger: 3 Activities SDG10 Reduced inequalities: 3 Activities SDG16 Peace-justice-and strong institutions: 3 Activities SDG13 Climate action: 3 Activities SDG15 Life on land: 2 Activities SDG01 No poverty: 1 Activities SDG05 Gender equality: 1 Activities SDG14 Life below water: 0 Activities SDG12 Responsible consumption and production: 0 Activities SDG07 Affordable and clean energy: 0 Activities SDG06 Clean water and sanitation: 0 Activities