Bachelor Programme of Information Technology Education (BPITE) was established in 2014 based on the Indonesian Education and Culture Minister Decree 595/E/O/2014. This decree is concerning the permit to administer BPITE at Universitas Brawijaya in Malang. BPITE began accepting students in 2015 and was accredited A in 2020 based on BAN-PT Decree 4793/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/VIII/2020. BPITE is a Bachelor of Education Program whose graduates will be awarded a Bachelor of Education (Sarjana Pendidikan/ S.Pd.) degree in Information Technology Subject. Its management has been aligned to the Teacher Education Standards in the Indonesian Research, Technology and Higher Education Minister Regulation 55/2017. The knowledge developed in the study program is a discipline related to didactic methods, integration, data modeling, and engineering of information technology.
BPITE hoped that will be able to produce graduates who can act as educators in the field of information technology, developers and managers of systems and information technology, developers of content and interactive learning media, scientists in the field of education, or entrepreneurs in the field of information technology (techno-edu-preneur). Students must complete compulsory courses, practice teaching in schools through School Field Recognition (PLP), apprenticeships in industry through Field Work Practices (Praktik Kerja Lapangan, PKL), or Independent Learning activities outside BPITE through the outbound program, and involve themselves in Community Service (Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, PKM)/ Thematic Social Engagement (Kuliah Kerja Nyata-Tematik, KKN-T) activities as a form of scientific implementation in social life. In addition, students are also allowed to choose various elective courses or activities in the study program and outside Univeritas Brawijaya that support competence and are under the graduate profile that the BPITE wants to form. The activities in the study program (inbound) or outside (outbound) the Universitas Brawijaya can then be converted or recognized as Semester Credit Units (Satuan Kredit Semester, SKS) and will be written on the Study Report/Transcript (Kartu Hasil Studi, KHS).
Ideal-Typically Course Complexity Level Distribution
This graphic showed Compulsory Course group weight in the BPITE’s Curriculum Structure (171 ECTS/ 114 SCU). Students still need to add Elective Courses of at least 45 ECTS/ 30 SCU. The Elective Courses taken by students may differ from one another between 216 and 240 ECTS, so the total number of credits at the end of the study may vary between students under students’ diversity of interests or talents.