List of New Assistants for Data and Information Management for the Even Semester 2020-2021 Period

List of New Assistants for Data and Information Management for the Even Semester 2020-2021 Period

After the assistant recruitment process has been carried out for several Data and Information Management courses, we accept students with the following names:

NIM Nama Prodi Mata Kuliah
185150400111028 Afifah Khairunnisa SI Administrasi Basis Data
195150401111036 Anatasha Eka Syavina SI Dasar Basis Data
195150401111013 Baiq Sabrina Amelia SI Dasar Basis Data
195150401111010 SANDRIAN YULIAN F.N. SI Dasar Basis Data
195150401111007 Andhika Mifta Alauddin SI Dasar Basis Data
195150401111031 NADYA NUR FADHILA SI Dasar Basis Data
195150401111048 Andi Alifsyah Dyasham SI Dasar Basis Data
195150400111036 Muhammad Alfarrel Indrawan SI Dasar Basis Data
195150407111033 Rafly Dwi Marzuq SI Dasar Basis Data
195150401111045 Huriyah Anisah Nur Humairoh SI Dasar Basis Data
195150400111047 Zahra SI Dasar Basis Data
185150700111026 Priomas Yuliono TI Dasar Basis Data
195150400111012 I Dewa Gede Ngurah Bramasta Darmawan SI Dasar Basis Data
185150401111030 Nabilah Iftah Nella SI Pengantar Big Data
185150400111045 Alya Paramitha Ayuningsih SI Pengantar Big Data

Congratulations to the selected students, then we will invite them to the group for further coordination.

Thank you.