Open Recruitment Assistant Computer Network Practicum Even Semester 2020/2021

Open Recruitment Assistant Computer Network Practicum Even Semester 2020/2021

The Learning Laboratory opens assistant vacancies for computer network practicum, while the requirements that must be met are as follows:


  1. Valid for all FILKOM students.
  2. Already taking computer network courses.
  3. Minimum computer network course score of B+
  4. Honest, diligent and responsible.
  5. Have a high passion in learning and sharing.
  6. Can be independent and work together on time.

Registration Files:

  1. CV (* .pdf)
  2. KHS showing the Computer Networking course has been taken (* .pdf)
  3. Recent photograph 6 × 4 (* .jpg)
  4. Send via email with Subject: NAMA_NIM_JARKOMGENAP2021 zip / rar file form (filename same as subject)
  5. Send the file to email
  6. Delivery Deadline is February 23, 2021.

The selection results will be announced on the FILKOM website

Be a part of our Computer Network Assistant Team. Learn, Share and Fun. Show Your Passion !!

Thank you.