Recruitment of Object-Oriented Programming Practicum Assistant Even Semester 2020/2021

Recruitment of Object-Oriented Programming Practicum Assistant Even Semester 2020/2021

The Faculty of Computer Science learning laboratory opens registration for the recruitment of Object-Oriented Programming practicum assistants in the Even Semester 2020/2021, with the following conditions:

  1. Advanced Programming value of at least B +
  2. Minimum score of B + is taken in the regular semester
  3. Experienced and fluent in using the Java language
  4. Have a good personality
  5. Responsible and able to work together in a team

Register via the following url: Online assistant registration is accompanied by submitting softcopy of the following documents:

  1. Your cover letter and CV
  2. 3×4 photos
  3. A copy of the KHS related to requirements number 1 and 2

All softcopy files must be combined in a zip file with the format PBO_Nama_Nim_Genap2021 and uploaded to the given url. Registration is awaited until Monday, February 22, 2021.

thank you