International MSc Program in Computational Logic

International MSc Program in Computational Logic

The International MSc Program in Computational Logic was funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) from 1997 until 2002. It is an accredited and internationally recognized Master’s Program focusing on Computational Logic. It is also a part of the European Master’s Program in Computational Logic.

Teaching Goals:

Based on a solid background in mathematical logic and its subareas (as normally taught in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence courses), a student of the International MSc Program will learn the engineering aspects of Computational Logic: how does a deductive system operate, what kind of logic-based grammar can be used to process natural language, how can techniques for the verification of software and hardware be applied in industry, what kind of implementation techniques are needed for logic-based systems, what formal methods are required for computer integrated manufacturing, how to apply formal methods for the layout of blue prints for machines and processes, and what problems occur in such applications.

Admission Requirements:

  • BSc in Computer Science or Mathematics or related studies
  • English-language certificate
    IELTS minimum level 6.0
    TOEFL minimum score : 550 (paper based), 213 (computer based), 79 (internet based)
  • Certificates showing marks “good” or “very good” in the following areas:
    • Foundations of Mathematical Logic
    • Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
    • Declarative Programming


Prof.DR.rer.nat.habil. Steffen Hölldobler

International Center for Computational Logic
Technische Universität Dresden
D-01062 Dresden, Germany

phone : +49 351 46 33 83 40
fax       : +49 351 46 33 83 42
email  :

For more details see