Samsung R&D Institute Indonesia (SRIN) Open Recruitment

Samsung R&D Institute Indonesia (SRIN) Open Recruitment

Samsung R&D Institute Indonesia (SRIN) is looking for Samsung Global Software Engineer.

We would like to invite for all graduated student for the Online Software Test as part of recruitment phase with the details below:

Day/Date  :  Choose your prefer test schedule. The test site could be opened when test is started. Before joining the test, all participant are mandatory to register with link

SRIN will conduct preparation meeting one day before the test, plase join for the technical meeting every Sunday and Wednesday with this link :


Batch 1 : Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Test site : Batch 1 :
Batch 2 : Thursday, June 23, 2021

Test Site Batch 2 :
Batch 3 : Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Test Site Batch 3 :

Batch 4 : Thursday, June 30, 2021

Test Site Batch 3 :


Test Time    :  13:00 pm – 17:00 pm

Type    :  Online Test with your own laptop using Hackerrank
Requirements :
·      Choose your preferred test date and select the right test site link
·      Laptop or Personal PC
·      This test only works in CHROME or Firefox internet browser
·      Internet Connection

Rules : 
1. You have to create a program that solve the problem requirements Correctly and Efficiently. Incorrect logic will result in Wrong Answer. Inefficient logic will result in Time Out.
2. You may answer the problems in any kind of programming language that you prefer.
3. You have to answer the problem by yourself! An explanation to the way you solve the problem will be questioned at the interview stage.


Scoring :
1. Each challenge has a pre-determined score.
2. A participant’s score depends on the number of test cases a participant’s code submission successfully passes.
3. If a participant submits more than one solution per challenge, then the participant’s score will reflect the highest score achieved.

Preparations :
1. Make sure you have a account.
2. Familiarize yourself with the user interface; try to solve some of their publicly hosted problems.
3. The test will be conducted in exactly 3 hours period, be sure to open the link at the exact time-frame.
Please note, that we will only send interview invitation to those who PASSED the test.


If you have any question, you can send email to