Open Recruitment Assistant for Advanced Programming Practicum Even Semester 2020/2021

Open Recruitment Assistant for Advanced Programming Practicum Even Semester 2020/2021

The Computer Science Faculty learning laboratory opens registration for the recruitment of Advanced Programming practicum assistants in the Even Semester 2020/2021, with the following conditions:

  1. Advanced Programming value of at least B+
  2. Minimum score of B+ is taken in the regular semester
  3. Proficient in using the Java language
  4. Honest and responsible
  5. Have good communication skills

Files are sent in scanned or softcopy form:

  1. CV
  2. 3×4 photos
  3. A copy of the KHS related to conditions number 1 and 2

All files must be combined in a zip file with the following file name format, PL_Nama_Nim_Genap2021. Then send the file to the email address with the same subject as your zip file name no later than 23 February 2021 [23:59 WIB]

The test will be held on February 25, 2021 and will be informed via email each.

Please read the conditions for file submissions. If it violates the provisions, then the file is considered invalid and will not be processed further.