Valleo Innovation Challenge 2017, International Student Contest

Valleo Innovation Challenge 2017, International Student Contest

Bagi mahasiswa yang berminat untuk mengikuti International Student Contest Desain Mobil Masa Depan, silahkan dipelajari :
The aim of the contest is to reward an innovative automobile-related project in two categories: technological innovation and ideas for new ways of using cars. The Challenge offers students from around the world the opportunity to become players in automotive innovation. They are invited to come up with an innovation which would, between now and 2030, make the car and the way it is used more intelligent, intuitive, green and fun.
Tim bisa Gabungan antar Fakultas di UB (FILKOM, FMIPA, FT, FTP dll di UB yang sesuai dengan Topik)

Silahkan berdiskusi dengan kami :

Tibyani S.T., M.T.  
HP/WA: +62 822 45553609.
A Student motivator dan Dosen Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Brawijaya.
