Concern Worldwide 2013 Writing Competition

Concern Worldwide 2013 Writing Competition

Concern Worldwide, an international humanitarian organisation held “2013 Writing Competition”.

All you have to do is choose from one of the three topics outlined below and submit your entry in no more than 750 – 1,000 words.

Choose a topic

Pick one of the three subjects below and get writing.

  • Write a blog about how you would end world hunger
  • Write a speech accepting the Nobel Peace Prize for improving the lives of the world’s poorest people
  • Write a story of what it is like to live in Haiti three years after the devastating earthquake


Prizes will be awarded in each of the competition categories as follows:

  • First prize: laptop
  • Second prize: e-reader
  • Third prize: Mp4 player

For further information about competition rules, categories and writing tips please visit: