European PhD Program in Computational Logic

European PhD Program in Computational Logic

The European PhD Program in Computational Logic (EPCL) is a distributed three-years PhD program jointly offered by four leading European universites in the field: The Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (Italy), the Technische Universität Dresden (Germany, coordinator), the Technische Universität Wien (Austria) and the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal).

EPCL starts anually in the winter term, with curriculum described below:

1st Semester (totally 30 credit points/ cr):

  • Basic Training
  • Language and Communication
  • PhD Colloquium
  • PhD Thesis

2nd Semester (totally 30 cr):

  • Transferable Skills
  • PhD Colloquium
  • PhD Workshop
  • PhD Thesis

3rd Semester (totally 30 cr):

  • Transferable Skills
  • Language and Communication
  • PhD Colloquium
  • PhD Thesis

4th Semester (totally 30 cr):

  • PhD Colloquium
  • Across Borders Workshop
  • PhD Thesis

5th Semeter (totally 30 cr):

  • PhD Colloquium
  • PhD Thesis
  • PhD Defense

6th Semester (totally 30 cr):

  • PhD Colloquium
  • PhD Workshop
  • PhD Defense

Upon successful completion of the program, candidates will receive a multiple/ joint PhD degree from the selected universities.

Admission Requirements:

  • Master’s degree in Computer Science or Mathematics, or an equivalent degree
  • English-language certificate:
    IELTS, minimum level 6.0
    TOEFL, minimum score 550 or equivalent
  • Substantial knowledge in the areas:
    • Foundations of Logic
    • Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
    • Declarative Programming

Positions and scholarships are available from different sources. Various conditions and restrictions may apply. Applications are possible until May 15.


Prof.DR.rer.nat.habil. Steffen Hölldobler

International Center for Computational Logic
Technische Universität Dresden
D-01062 Dresden, Germany

phone : +49 351 46 33 83 40
fax       : +49 351 46 33 83 42
email  :

for more details see