European Master’s Program in Computational Logic

European Master’s Program in Computational Logic

European Master’s Program in Computational Logic (EMCL) is a unique distributed two-year master’s program, offered by leading European universities in the field of Computational Logic, with support of the Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union.

The European Master’s Program in Computational Logic is jointly offered by the Libera Università di Bolzano-Freie Universität Bozen (FUB), the Technische Universität Dresden (TUD ), the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL ), the Technische Universität Wien (TUW ) and National ICT Australia Limited (NICTA ). Based on a common curriculum, common study and examination regulations and an Agreement of Cooperation (EMCL-AOC) signed by the partner institutions, the program is offered jointly by the mentioned European partner universities.

EMCL’s curriculum:

1st Semester (30 credit points/cr), consists of:

  • 9 cr Foundations
  • 9 cr Logic and Constraint Programming
  • 12 cr Selected Advanced Modules

2nd Semester (30 cr), consists of:

  • 8 cr Advanced Logic
  • 8 cr Integrated Logic System
  • 2 cr Presentation and Communication Skills
  • 12 cr Selected Advanced Modules

3rd Semester (30 cr), consists of:

  • 2 cr Presentation and Communication Skills
  • 16 cr Project
  • 12 cr Selected Advanced Modules

4th Semester: 30 cr for Master Thesis

The modules Foundations, Logic and Constraint Programming are offered at the Technische Universität Dresden.
The modules Advanced Logic and Integrated Logic Systems are offered at the Free University of Bozen Bolzano.
The Selected Advanced Modules, the Presentation and Communication Skills Module, the Project and the Master Thesis can be pursued at all European partner universities; the project can also pursued at the National ICT Australia.
After successful completion of the master examination a multiple/joint degree is awarded.

 Admissions Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or Mathematics or an equivalent degree
  • English-language certificate:
    IELTS minimum level 6.0, TOEFL minimum 550 or equivalent
  • Certificates showing marks “good” or “very good” in the following areas:
    • Foundations of Mathematical Logic
    • Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
    • Declarative Programming


Scholarships are available from different sources.
Various conditions and restrictions may apply.
A limited number of Erasmus Mundus grants for study period of two years is provided by European Commission every year; applications are possible until January 31.

For more details about admissions requirements and sholarships, see

Contact Person:

Prof.DR.rer.nat.habil. Steffen Hölldobler

International Center for Computational Logic
Technische Universität Dresden
D-01062 Dresden, Germany

phone : +49 351 46 33 83 40
fax       : +49 351 46 33 83 42
email  :