The usage of CCTV develops significantly when the CCTV supported by IP camera. PTIIK (Program Teknologi Informasi dan IlmuKomputer) is one of program in Brawijaya University with a region 1.813.664 m2. With a lot of buildings, CCTV technology is a necessity to support its security. The quality of cctv influences security system, hence six tests is performed to measure the quality ip camera. This test is related to the QoS of the network. Currently, PCs are used to monitor the IP Camera. Unfortunately, PCs are expensive and immobile. In this research, the author develops an IP camera monitoring system using embedded system, Rasberry PI and Rasbian Wheezy operation system. Compare to PCs, this system is cheap and mobile because of small, low power energy, and flexible. The test shows that raspberry pi can be applied to PTTIK C building because the QoS is as good as the PCs.