Penelitian dan Publikasi Lab RES

Mobile Robotics & Quadcopter

Bidang riset ini memanfaatkan perangkat keras seperti Camera, IMU (accelero, gyro) dan IMU (accelero, gyro) untuk menghasilkan sebuah produk teknologi seperti UAV/Quadcopter, Wheeled robot, dan Armed robot


Bioinformatics Engineering

Bidang riset ini memanfaatkan perangkat keras berupa Elektrokardiografi (ECG), Elektromiografi (EMG), Electrooculogram (EOG), pulse sensor, heart rate sensor, oximeter, voice dan heart beat untuk menghasilkan sebuah produk teknologi seperti Robot Controller dan Medical Diagnosis


IoT Embedded Devices and System

Bidang riset ini memanfaatkan masukan alat-alat seperti Suhu, kelembapan, pH, warna, kekeruhan, ultrasonic dan Network Architecture untuk menghasilkan sebuah produk teknologi seperti Smart Device dan Wireless Sensor Network


Disaster Mitigation

Bidang riset ini memanfaatkan perangkat keras berupa sensor kondisi udara, sensor kondisi air dan network architecture untuk menghasilkan sebuah produk teknologi seperti Early warning devices dan Network

Mobile Robotics & Quadcopter

  1. Adaptasi pergerakan pada robot beroda terhadap jalan halang rintang
  2. Sistem kendali pitch, roll, dan ketinggian quadcopter dengan isyarat tangan
  3. Robot beroda untuk pengiriman barang di dalam gedung
  4. Pemetaan ruangan menggunakan AR.Drone
  5. Purwarupa autonomous mobile robot
  6. dst


Bioinformatics Engineering

  1. Sistem pendeteksi central sleep apnea
  2. Sistem pendeteksi ECG disease: myocardial infraction, atrial fibrilation, dll
  3. Sistem identifikasi kesehatan pencernaan
  4. Sistem pendeteksi penyakit flu-covid 19
  5. Sistem pergerakan lengan berbasis sinyal EMG
  6. dst.


IoT Embedded Devices and System

  1. Rancang bangun sistem auto-config sensor baru pada perangkat IoT secara over-the-air
  2. Perancangan dan implementasi sistem pemantauan dan kontrol smarthome dan tanaman
  3. Reconfigurable low power monitoring system dan pengendali kualitas udara
  4. Sistem keamanan parkir berbasis IoT
  5. Komunikasi data antarmode pada wireless sensor network
  6. dst


Disaster Mitigation

  1. Pendeteksi kebakaran dan kebocoran gas
  2. Rancang bangun pengendali pintu air sungai
  3. Operasional pintu air terintegrasi
  4. dst.


Berikut ini adalah daftar kegiatan pengabdian di laboratorium Robotika dan Embedded System

1. BH Prasetio, ER Widasari, FA Bachtiar. (2022). A Study of Machine Learning Based Stressed Speech
Recognition System. International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems. 15 (4), 31-42
2. Budi, A.S., Fitriyah, H., Setiawan, E., Primananda, R., Maulana, R. (2022). Distributed rule execution
mechanism in smart home system. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering. 12(4),
3. ER Widasari, BH Prasetio, DE Ratnasari. (2022). Performance Comparison between Lab-VIEW and
MATLAB on Feature Matching-based Speech Recognition System. International Journal of Advanced
Computer Science and Applications. 13 (1). 401-7.
4. Akbar S. R. and Hodaka,I. (2021). A Design Approach to Wireless High-Power Transfer to Multiple
Receivers with Asymmetric Circuit. International journal of circuits, systems and signal processing. (15),
5. B.H. Prasetio, H. Tamura, K. Tanno. (2021). Deep time-delay Markov network for prediction and modeling
the stress and emotions state transition. Scientific Reports. 10 (18071), 1-12.

6. Setiawan, E., Budi, A.S., Syauqy, D. (2021). Design of Flight Safe System for Quadcopter Based on Data-
Driven Regression and Haversine Distance Calculation. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series.


7. Fitriyah, H., Nugroho, H., Widasari, E.R. (2021). Moisture Control using Linear Regression for Automatic
Seed Germination Box on Rockwool. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. 162-7.
8. Maulana, R., Halimah, H.N., Setyawan, G.E. (2021). Controlling Robot Manipulators as Prototype of
Prosthetic Arm using Electromyography Signal Based on Embedded System. ACM International
Conference Proceeding Series. 56-62.
9. Prasetio, B.H., Widasari, E.R., Tamura, H. (2021). Automatic Multiscale-based Peak Detection on Short
Time Energy and Spectral Centroid Feature Extraction for Conversational Speech Segmentation. ACM
International Conference Proceeding Series, 44–9.
10. Maulana, R., Baharin, A.A., Fitriyah, H. (2021). Classification of lung condition for early diagnosis of
pneumonia and tuberculosis based on embedded system. Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and
Informatics, 10(3), 1262–70.
11. Akbar S. R. and Hodaka,I. (2020). A Fast-Spotting Strategy of Optimal Frequency in Wireless Power
Transfer. International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering & Telecommunications. 9 (4), 242-
12. BH Prasetio, H Tamura, K Tanno. (2020). The long short-term memory based on i-vector extraction for
conversational speech gender identification approach. Artificial Life and Robotics. 25 (2), 233-40.
13. Ichsan, M.H.H., Kurniawan, W. (2020). CPU implementation using only logisim simulator to achieve
computer architecture learning outcome. Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 9(2), 747–
14. BH Prasetio, H Tamura, K Tanno. (2020). Emotional Variability Analysis Based I-Vector for Speaker
Verification in Under-Stress Conditions. Electronics 9 (9), 1420.
15. ER Widasari, K Tanno, H Tamura. (2020). Automatic sleep disorders classification using ensemble of
bagged tree based on sleep quality features. Electronics (Switzerland). 9(3), 512.
16. Ichsan, M.H.H., Kurniawan, W., Wulandari, A.T. (2019). Fuzzy Logic for Flood Detection System in an
Embedded System. Proceedings of 2019 4th International Conference on Sustainable Information
Engineering and Technology, 164–8.
17. ER Widasari, K Tanno, H Tamura. (2019). A New Investigation of Automatic Sleep Stage Detection using
Decision-Tree-Based Support Vector Machine and Spectral Features Extraction of ECG Signal. IEEJ
Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems. 139 (7), 820-7.
18. Fitriyah, H., Setyawan, G.E. (2018). Automatic estimation of human weight from body silhouette using
multiple linear regression. International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and
Informatics (EECSI), 749-52
19. Hanafi Ichsan, M.H., Kurniawan, W., Akbar, S.R. (2018). Udp pervasive protocol integration with IoT for
smart home environment using labview. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
8(6), 5342–50.
20. Akbar, S.R., Kurniawan, W., Ichsan, M.H.H., Arwani, I., Handono, M.T. (2016). Pervasive device and
service discovery protocol in XBee sensor network. 2016 International Conference on Advanced
Computer Science and Information Systems (ICACSIS), 2016, 79-84.

Berikut ini adalah daftar produk inovasi yang telah dihasilkan oleh laboratorium Robotika dan Embedded System