Ir. Tri Astoto Kurniawan, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.
Departemen Teknik Informatika
Program Studi Ilmu Komputer
Tri Astoto Kurniawan lahir di Blitar, Jawa Timur. Pendidikan menengahnya diselesaikan di SMPN 5 dan SMAN 3, keduanya di Malang. Pendidikan sarjana (S1) bidang Sistem Tenaga Listrik diselesaikan di Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Universitas Brawijaya pada tahun 1995. Selanjutnya, pendidikan magister (S2) bidang Real Time Software Engineering diselesaikan di Jurusan Teknik Informatika, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) pada tahun 2000, melalui beasiswa dari PT. Industri Pesawat Terbang Nusantara (IPTN) Bandung. Sedangkan pendidikan doktor (S3) bidang Software Engineering diselesaikan di School of Computer Science and Software Engineering, University of Wollongong, Australia pada tahun 2014, melalui beasiswa dari Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional RI. Selanjutnya, pendidikan profesi insinyur (Ir) bidang Teknik Elektro dan Informatika diselesaikan di Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) pada tahun 2022. Sebelum bergabung dengan Universitas Brawijaya sebagai dosen, karir sebagai praktisi pernah dijalaninya selama beberapa tahun di PT. Dirgantara Indonesia (PT. DI, dahulu bernama PT. IPTN) Bandung. Aircraft Lightning Test Engineer adalah karir awal yang dijalaninya pada tahun 1996 – 1997. Selanjutnya, pada 1997 beliau dipromosikan sebagai Software Engineer (Analyst), bersamaan dengan rencana pengembangan pesawat jet N2130 di PT. IPTN pada saat itu. Pada akhirnya, mulai akhir tahun 2003, beliau bergabung sebagai dosen di Universitas Brawijaya Malang hingga saat ini.
Bidang Keilmuan
Rekayasa Kebutuhan, Software Reuse, Service Computing, Manajemen dan Pemodelan Proses Bisnis, Teknologi Agen dan Objek, Rekayasa Pengetahuan
Riwayat Pendidikan
Riwayat Mengajar
Jurnal Internasional
Jurnal Ilmiah Internasional
Quality Evaluation of EPC to BPMN Business Process Model Transformation
Khudori, A.N., Kurniawan, T.A., Ramdani, F.
(2020), Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science (JITeCS) No. 2 Vol. 5, pp. 207-220.
Challenges in Developing Sequence Diagrams (UML)
Kurniawan, T.A., Lê, L.S., Priyambadha, B.
(2020), Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science (JITeCS) No. 2 Vol. 5, pp. 221-234.
Automated Features Extraction from Software Requirements Specification (SRS) Documents as The Basis of Software Product Line (SPL) Engineering
Haris. M.S., Kurniawan, T.A., Ramdani, F.
(2020), Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science (JITeCS) No. 3 Vol. 5, pp. 279-292.
An Exploratory Study of Requirements Engineering Practices in Indonesia – Part 2: Efforts, Processes and Techniques
Kurniawan, T.A., Rusdianto, D.S., Brata, A.H., Amalia, F., Santoso, A., Raharjo, D.I.N.R.P.
(2020), Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science (JITeCS) No. 1 Vol. 5, pp. 65-74.
Plug-in for Annotating Semantic Effect on BPMN Business Process Models
Hadi, H.N., Kurniawan, T.A., Aknuranda, I.
(2019), Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science (JITeCS) No. 2 Vol. 4, pp. 116-126.
An Exploratory Study of Requirements Engineering Practices in Indonesia – Part 1: Concepts and Problems
Kurniawan, T.A., Rusdianto, D.S., Brata, A.H., Amalia, F., Santoso, A., Raharjo, D.I.N.R.P.
(2019), Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science (JITeCS) No. 1 Vol. 4, pp. 90-102.
Business Process Model Transformation Techniques: A Comprehensive Survey
Khudori, A.N., Kurniawan, T.A.
(2018), Advanced Science Letters No. 11 Vol. 24, pp. 8606-8612.
Prosiding Internasional
Reinforcing Service Level Agreements in Tourism Sector: The Role of Blockchain and Mobile Computing
Le, D.T., Nguyen, T.V., Lê, L.S., Kurniawan, T.A.
2020. 14th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Applications. Quy Nhon (online), Vietnam.
Survey of automated meeting scheduling approaches
Purbo, T.S., Kurniawan, T.A.
2020. The 5th International Conference on Sustainable Information Engineering and Technology (SIET 2020). Malang (online), Indonesia.
Automated requirement sentences extraction from software requirement specification document
Haris, M.S., Kurniawan, T.A.
2020. The 5th International Conference on Sustainable Information Engineering and Technology (SIET 2020). Malang (online), Indonesia.
Transforming EPC Aris Markup Language Into BPMN Metadata
Khudori, A.N., Kurniawan, T.A.
2019. The 4th International Conference on Sustainable Information Engineering and Technology (SIET 2019). Lombok, Indonesia.
On Comparing Smart City Assesment Frameworks
Khudori, A.N., Santoso, A., Zayn, A.R., Kurniawan, T.A.
2016. The 1st International Conference on Sustainble Information Engineering and Technology (SIET 2016). Malang, Indonesia.
Analysis and Design of Parking Negotiation System using MaSE Methodology
Hadi, H.N., Kurniawan, T.A.
2016. The 1st International Conference on Sustainble Information Engineering and Technology (SIET 2016). Malang, Indonesia.
Resolving Violations in Inter-Process Relationships in Business Process Ecosystems
Kurniawan, T.A., Ghose, A.K. , Le, L.S.
2013. Service-Oriented Computing – ICSOC 2012 Workshops. Shanghai, China.
On Formalizing Inter-process Relationships
Kurniawan, T. A., Ghose, A. K., Lê, L., Dam, H. K.
2012. The 1st International Workshop on Process Model Collections – PMC 2011. Clermont-Ferrand, France.
Relationship-Preserving Change Propagation in Process Ecosystems
Kurniawan, T. A., Ghose, A. K., Dam, H. K., Lê, L.
2012. The 10th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing – ICSOC 2012. Shanghai, China.
Design Maintenance in Process Eco-systems
Kurniawan, T. A., Ghose, A. K, Dam, H. K., Lê, L., Zhang, T.
2012. The IEEE 9th International Conference on Services Computing – SCC 2012. Hawaii, USA.
A Framework for Optimizing Inter-operating Business Process Portfolio
Kurniawan, T. A., Ghose, A. K, Lê, L.
2011. The 19th International Conference on Information Systems Development – ISD 2010. Prague, Czech Republic.
Jurnal Nasional
Jurnal Ilmiah Nasional Terakreditasi
Pemodelan Use Case (UML): Evaluasi Terhadap beberapa Kesalahan dalam Praktik
Kurniawan, T.A.
(2018), Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer (JTIIK) No. 1 Vol. 5, pp. 77-86.
Taksonomi dan Formalisasi Relasi antar Model Proses Bisnis Berbasis Anotasi Efek
Kurniawan, T.A.
(2017), Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer (JTIIK) No. 3 Vol. 4, pp. 185-193.
Pengujian Struktur Program Dengan Pengujian Jalur Dasar (Basis Path Testing) : Teori Dan Aplikasi
Kurniawan, T.A.
(2007), Jurnal EECCIS No. 1 Vol. 1, pp. 29-32.